The Basics Of No-Fault Auto Insurance In Michigan
When it comes to auto insurance, Michigan has some of the most unique laws in the United States. No-fault coverage in Michigan is required for every vehicle on the road, and will be built in to any Michigan policy.

Are You Protected From More Than Just Collisions?
When you think of automobile insurance, do you think of getting into a car wreck? Many do, but there are way more opportunities for damage to your vehicle than just collisions. And without a specific kind of car insurance coverage, you might be left paying 100% of the expenses yourself.

Did You Know Your Family Pet Could Be A Liability
Take steps to make sure your dog isn’t a safety liability
In 2016, dog bites and other dog-related injuries composed more than a third of all homeowners liability claim costs, according to a study by the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm. Those incidents included knocking down children, older people and cyclists, and attacking deliverymen, including postal workers.

Do You Know How To Protect Your Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?
Carbon monoxide (CO) has been called the “silent killer.” That’s because it is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, nonirritating gas that, in high concentrations, can lead to serious illness, injury or death.

Windstorms Are Serious....You Should Plan Ahead To Stay Protected
When high winds threaten, protect occupants and property before, during and after the blow High winds can damage property and threaten lives, but there are steps you can take to improve chances your family and home will weather the storm. These include preparations, actions during the event and post-storm measures.

Stay protected on the water
Make sure you have the right insurance and damage prevention for your watercraft. It’s time to un-tarp or retrieve from storage all your watercraft and watersport equipment. As part of your seasonal unveiling, remember to pull out your insurance policy as well.

Distracted Driving Is Dangerous Driving
Distracted driving can ruin a life in the blink of an eye
In our multitasking society, people have taken to doing all sorts of things while driving, and many lives have been ruined because of it. That’s why this message cannot be repeated enough times: Stop creating circumstances known to cause accidents!